Targeted for academic institutions ie. primary schools, secondary schools, junior colleges, polytechnics, institutes of education and universities.

This 8-session workshop can focus on any, or have a combination, of the following:

a. Introduction to Acting >> Performance Focus, Voice and Body Projection, Creating Characters, Playing Objectives.

b. Different Acting Genres >> Naturalistic, Non-Naturalistic, Comedy, Tragedy, Melodrama.

c. Improvisation to Performance >> Introduction to the basis of improvisation. Creating and Reacting on the spot. The course will finish with a pair / group improvised performance.

d. Approaching and Presenting Text >> An introduction to the use of voice and body in presenting text work.

e. Storytelling through Physical Theatre >> Introduction to storytelling with the body.

This 8-session introductory workshop will introduce participants to:

a. The Basic Elements of Drama and Performance

b. Creating characters, dialogue, tension, conflict and climax

c. Building Dramatic Structure and Resolution

This hands-on workshop will guide participants through the completion of a short play.

This 8-session introductory hands-on production workshop will cover the basics of set, costume, lighting and sound design, and production and stage management. Through both theoretical lectures and practical workshops, the participants will learn the principals of design and arts management. The course will end with a mini production designed and managed by the participants.

The innovative use and application of applied theatre skills for purposes of exploration and learning beyond performance, in 8 sessions. The focus is on the process of learning ‘in the moment’. Life and social skills such as listening, creative thinking, critical reflection, self-confidence and teamwork will be covered. This practical action learning can also include life, family values and history.

A 3 – 5 day camp focusing on one or more of the elements of drama and the arts. Participants will be introduced to the necessary skills, and create a short performance at the end of the Arts Lab.

a. 3-day Drama Camp >> Basic introduction to Acting, Directing, Writing.

b. 4-day Writing Camp >> An intense focus on writing a play.

c. 4-day Performance >> Introduction to the variety of theatrical genres – comedy, physical theatre.

d. 5-day Integrated Arts >> Music, Dance, Drama and the Visual Arts.

Duration >> 8 sessions, 2 hours each session
Available >> Whole year
Numbers >> 15 to 25 participants in each class
Cost >> $ 150 per hour / facilitator

Besides Jeffrey Tan, our facilitators / trainers include Claire Devine, Fanny Kee Hwee Kheng, Lee Weng Kee and Norlina Mohamed.


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